I had some feedback the other day that I feel deserves addressing.
So this is my challenge, apologies if my blog is too centered around chasing women, but if this blog was simply "I went here, I did that, I learnt this" then you'd probably lose interest! And that's not to say that chasing women has been the main focus of my travels either, far from it. I've learnt a load of skills that I hope to use in the future, met some amazing people along the way and had some incredible experiences too (like the lap dancer with a SMOKING body I ruined the other night ;-))
So please do give me your feedback on how you want me to change/improve this as I'm not really doing this blog for me, it's for the people reading it :-)
Fuck these mosquitoes are annoying.
I like it the way it is, I want to hear a mixture of what you've been doing, the women/men you've slept with and funny stuff that has annoyed you. Keep it up.